
Shedglas Design - candle boxes in the sun

Lincoln Market

Lovely day at Lincoln this weekend. The sun showed the glass off so well, casting lovely coloured rays.

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New Rondel

New Circle

I’ve just finished a new circle and it’s now packed ready for tomorrow when it will be seen at Lincoln Artists Market. It should be busy on Castle Hill and it’s always a good day.

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S.D. Curlew detail

Northumberland Windows in place

I managed to see and photograph the two Northumberland influenced panels fitted in their place. They work well in the wooden surrounds and considering the width, only 8 inches, have quite an impact. Curlews were requested so two were included.

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Shedglas Design at Lincoln BIG Artists Market


What a good day at Lincoln BIG Artists Market at Castle Hill on Saturday. The weather was warm and sunny, though with an occasional sweeping wind that had me grabbing odd swinging glass panels. With the Castle reopened there were plenty of people around and lots of chatting.  

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Leaded stained glass panel

Lincoln BIG Artists Market

  I’m just packing this for the Lincoln BIG Artists Market on Castle Hill in Lincoln tomorrow, Saturday. With the Castle attracting lots of people and the Cathedral looking magnificent, give us good weather and it should be a busy day.

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Shedglas Design Lead Workshop Example 2.

Successful Workshop

  I had a successful introductory leaded workshop in Grantham Guildhall last weekend with a really nice group who all got on together. That helps make for a good day for everyone. I received a lovely message from one of them: I’m just writing to express my thanks for a really interesting workshop yesterday in […]

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New for ESCartists event…

I’m working on a new piece which should be ready for the first ESCartists event at Stamford Arts Centre on Sunday. It’s a development of one of my designs, but using translucent glass and etching.      

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ESCartists Pop-Up Art Market

Getting a bit excited about the Artist’s Market we at ESCartists are organising this coming Sunday. We are aiming at a different experience for artists to sell their work. More relaxed, fresher, vibrant. 12 very different artists with their own unique skills and talents.          

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Bespoke commission to fit the garden arch

Garden Piece

A busy time at the moment. I’m organising, with two others a first event for Escartists on June 14th at the Stamford Arts Centre. This is an artists market/pop-up shop showcasing 12 invited artists and will also be an advertisment for an exhibition we are holding later in the year. . It’s a bit nerve-racking at […]

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Shedglas Design making

Successful Workshops

We had a successful introductory copper foiling workshop yesterday with a small group of friends. A nice relaxed and friendly atmosphere and a selection of stars, dragonflies and butterflies were taken home.     The new, more relaxed arrangement of workshops seems to be working, with two more booked for this week. Instead of a […]

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